Modal University College Sokakope -Campus Life and Courses Offered

As a student preparing for life in a tertiary institution, it can really get confusing as to which institution to apply to so as to help you achieve your dreams. In the myriad of choice institutions you will have to choose from, it would be really be worthwhile to consider Modal University College Sogakope (MUCS).


Modal College Sogakope is situated in the Volta Region of Ghana in the Sogakope township and very close to the Volta River. Its location at the banks of the River coupled with the overlooking Savannah vegetation provides a great, reflective and relaxing sight and ambience for academic work.

Click on the link below to see the Google Map Location of Modal College.


Students get to enjoy facilities that help them make use of their leisure. Table tennis, badminton, volley and basketball are among the sports often patronized by students. A swimming pool and a well stocked gym is available for the work out needs of the University community.


The Modal University College Sogakope has is on the National Accreditation Board’s list of accredited tertiary institutions and they are accredited by the University of Cape Coast and have been educating the public since 2018.

Programmes and Courses

Currently, the school offers some programs and efforts are in place to expand those programs. Under the Faculty of Health Sciences,

A MUCS nursing student undergoing a practical session.
  • BSc. Nursing
  • HAC/NAC (Health Assistant Clinical/ Nurse Assistant Preventive) Top Up
  • HND Medical Laboratory

Under the Department of Technology, there are

  • HND Informations and Communications Technology

Under the department of Engineering, there are

A MUCS student working on a circuit board.
  • HND Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • HND automotive Engineering

Under the Faculty of Business, there are

  • HND Business Administration
  • HND Banking and Finance
  • Business Administration (Dip.)
  • Banking Technology and Accounting. (Dip.)

Accommodation at MUCS

Accommodation is very important for students from far away lands that cannot commute to campus. In view of that, MUCS has hostel facilities and also a housing database for students only that lists off-camous rental properties.

If any of the courses mentioned above fits your dream career, feel free to apply to MUCS. It may be your life Changing moment.

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4 years ago

Great content! Super high-quality! Keep it up! 🙂


[…] whether they align with their own desires and dreams of what they want to do. Click here for the various courses offered. Then one has to go to the admissions requirement page to check out qualifications needed for […]